The real estate market is very hot. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn't be strategic about how you sell your house.
We listed 1425 Greenwood Ave in East Nashville for $625,000 (which was in line with comps at the time) and we closed for $810,000. Yes we closed for $185,000 over list price, but we were very strategic in our approach to marketing this house and it paid off.
Here’s how it went by the numbers….
Listed as coming soon for 6 days
Available for showings for 4 days
100+ showings
15 Offers
There are 2 crucial parts to getting the highest value out of your house.
1. prepare + present
Your first showing is online. Bring in a team of professionals to capture images so a home is completely and beautifully presented online.
Here are services I provide.
staging consultant
real estate photographer
professionally measured floor plan
2. list + negotiate
Once you’re on the market, have a plan. And stick to it.
Promote in advance, make sure you're on the market just long enough so that all interested buyers can view it, and negotiate for the best terms as well as price.
promote via eblasts + social media ads
show throughout the weekend
accept offers through Monday*
evaluate offers closely, negotiate to strengthen terms if needed
choose winning offer + respond on Tuesday*
**WHY NOT SUNDAY?** Because if someone is getting a loan, I need to talk to their lender to make sure they are a solid buyer. We need to build in a business day so I can make sure the offer we choose has solid financing.
If you have questions about listing your house, feel free to reach out.
Wendy Monday, Broker

Village Real Estate 2206 21st Ave S Nashville TN 37212. 615.383.6964