When a baby enters the picture, your parents start thinking about moving to Nashville 👶🏻 We can help.

For your parents, selling their current house is usually the biggest roadblock.
So we connect them with a highly qualified agent in their hometown to make that less stressful 💛
Is it easy for me to do through our company’s relocation network, and it saves lots of time and anxiety for the family.
Through LeadingRE we’re connected with over 500 firms and 100,000 agents.
It’s a a by-invitation-only network of vetted industry professionals. All the connections are based on trusted relationships and you have a choice of agents to work with.
If you’re thinking about helping your parents relocate to Nashville, reach out to me to get started.
Buying + Selling in Nashville and beyond? 🌎
Wendy Monday • Broker
PARKS Real Estate
📧 wendy@wendymonday.com
#wendymondaysellingnashville #movingtonashville #nashvillerealtor #nashville #nashvilleagent #nashvillehomes #realestate #realestatebroker #nashville #nashvillerealtors #trailinggrandparents #grandparents #relocating #LeadingRE