What is the Property Tax Rate?
The 2022 tax rate for Urban Services District is $3.254 and the rate for General Services District is $2.922.
What are the different tax rates?
Davidson County has two primary tax rate districts, General Service District (GSD) and Urban Service District (USD). The USD tax covers the more extensive services, such as garbage pick-up, street lights and sidewalks. In the GSD property owners pay individually for these services.
How can I calculate taxes for a property?
Residential property tax is based on the assessed value, which is 25% of the appraised value.
Multiply the Assessed Value times the Tax Rate to get the annual taxes. Here's a calculator.
You can also just look on the tax record for the property to see the annual taxes.
When are properties appraised?
Davidson County reappraises property every 4 years. The last reappraisal was in 2021.
When are taxes due?
Property tax statements are generated from the Tax Roll and mailed the first week of October each year. The tax collection period is from October through the following February.

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