4 Factors Home Buyers should Focus On:
· Location
· Condition
· Price
· Floor plan
The only thing you can’t change about a house is where it is.
🔨 Condition
Updating costs money. Sometimes a lot. You have to have that cash on hand in addition to your downpayment, closing costs, etc.
📐Floor plan
Changing the floor plan also costs money, almost certainly a lot. Another instance where you’ll need extra cash on hand after closing.
Obviously it has to be in your budget, or it just won’t work. Can you comfortably afford it?
↪️ If the first 3 factors work for you, and the price is in your budget, it is probably the house for you!
Buying + Selling in Nashville?
Wendy Monday • Broker
PARKS Real Estate
💻 www.wendymonday.com
📧 wendy@wendymonday.com